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Please select the energy type or link you wish to explore:

sq button Jatropha oil - turning wasteland into profitable gardens of oil - A Daimler Story
sq button The Biomass Energy Centre of UK describes what biomass and/or biodiesel solid, liquid or gaseous fuels are.
sq button Selected Australian links in pdf form - click here to access
sq button Selected overseas links in pdf form - click here to access

sq button Carbon Footprints - a selection of calculators for household and vehicle use.

sq button Professor Martyn Polialoff from the University of Nottingham, UK - his many videos on Chemical and STEM
spacerexperiments and explanations
- click here to access - page in pdf form
sq button
freshney periodic table download - download is free of charge - click here

sq button Australia's UCG (Underground Coal Gasification) and CSG (Coal Seam Gasification) explained - click here
sq button Links to UCG and CSG fact sheets - click here

Energy Audits
sq button Energy Audits and adaptions - a Kansas USA assessment that saved money and ploughed money back into school education -
space click here to access

sq button Selected overseas links in pdf form - click here to access

Energy Portal
sq button Appropedia
- a very useful site that covers: Appropriate technology • Construction • Energy • Food & Agriculture • Green living • Health & Safety •
spacerMedical Devices • Projects • Service learning • Solar • Transport • Water

Conservation of Energy
sq button Coming Soon - we are revamping our website

sq button Geodynamics
sq button Geodynamics - fact sheet on rigs

Laws of Energy
sq button The Laws of Energy and their formulae

sq button Education 1 - links to Earthquakes; ABC Science; CSIRO; Academy of science; Johnno's Science & scitech
sq button Education 2 - links to instaGrok; Wind with Miller; ASTA; National Digital Learning; scootle and NASA
sq button Education 3 - FMA Live!, Steve Spangler, Stanford Outreach, The Happy Scientist, STEMnet and The Naked Scientist
sq button Education 4 - Engineers Make It So, Scientists in Schools, Questacon, Double Helix, Barbara Hardy Institute and STELR
sq button Australian Fedral Government Links - State Links > ACT | NSW | NT | Qld | SA | Tas | Vic | WA |
sq button Recycling Energy - Fluoro Cycle lists all recycling companies in Australia

sq button Nuclear Fusion - the Conversation | Kids Net
sq button Nuclear Fission - SA Year 12 explanation - it will down load as a ppt.
sq button Australia's Lucas Heights
sq button The For and Against - two Australian professors and their one book - a redirect to Pantera Press

Renewable - Non Renewable Comparisons
sq button The For and Against of renewable and non renewable energy types
sq button STELR - a curriculum program that aims to address the problem of low participation rates in Australia in
spacerscience and mathematics subjects at the upper secondary school level - a program run by ASTE for Yr 10-12.

sq button Solarshop Australia's solar installation at the Adelaide Show Grounds Goyder Pavilion - image used with permission
sq button Moree, Australia's Solar Farm - NSW.
sq button City of Victor Harbor (SA) Solar program - click here to access

Types of Energy
sq button Non Renewable
sq button Renewable
sq button Pros and Cons for both

sq button Neil deGrasse Tyson schools former GM exec Lutz on climate change

sq button Saving Water at Home - Clean Up Australia factsheet
sq button Rainwater - a South Australian Health Department factsheet
sq button Waterwise gardens - ABC Gardening Australia factsheets

sq button Testing off Fremantle's Western Australia's coast - a program that creates electricity from waves while also distilling sea water for drinking.
spacersq button Carnegie's CETO website
spacersq button pdf of how it works courtesy of Carnegie

sq button Starfish Hill Wind Farm - a TARONG pdf brochure used with permission - 728KB
sq button Danish Wind Association's Educational Tour with Miller - English version - access as guest.


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