Please select the energy type or link you wish to explore:
Jatropha oil - turning wasteland into profitable gardens of oil - A Daimler Story
The Biomass Energy Centre of UK describes what biomass and/or biodiesel solid, liquid or gaseous fuels are.
Selected Australian links in pdf form - click here to access
Selected overseas links in pdf form - click here to access
Carbon Footprints - a selection of calculators for household and vehicle use.
Professor Martyn Polialoff from the University of Nottingham, UK - his many videos on Chemical and STEM
experiments and explanations - click here to access - page in pdf form
freshney periodic table download - download is free of charge - click here
Australia's UCG (Underground Coal Gasification) and CSG (Coal Seam Gasification) explained - click here
Links to UCG and CSG fact sheets - click here
Energy Audits
Energy Audits and adaptions - a Kansas USA assessment that saved money and ploughed money back into school education -
click here to access
Selected overseas links in pdf form - click here to access
Energy Portal
Appropedia- a very useful site that covers: Appropriate technology • Construction • Energy • Food & Agriculture • Green living • Health & Safety •
Medical Devices • Projects • Service learning • Solar • Transport • Water
Conservation of Energy
Coming Soon - we are revamping our website
Geodynamics - fact sheet on rigs
Laws of Energy
The Laws of Energy and their formulae
Education 1 - links to Earthquakes; ABC Science; CSIRO; Academy of science; Johnno's Science & scitech
Education 2 - links to instaGrok; Wind with Miller; ASTA; National Digital Learning; scootle and NASA
Education 3 - FMA Live!, Steve Spangler, Stanford Outreach, The Happy Scientist, STEMnet and The Naked Scientist
Education 4 - Engineers Make It So, Scientists in Schools, Questacon, Double Helix, Barbara Hardy Institute and STELR
Australian Fedral Government Links - State Links > ACT | NSW | NT | Qld | SA | Tas | Vic | WA |
Recycling Energy - Fluoro Cycle lists all recycling companies in Australia
Nuclear Fusion - the Conversation | Kids Net
Nuclear Fission - SA Year 12 explanation - it will down load as a ppt.
Australia's Lucas Heights
The For and Against - two Australian professors and their one book - a redirect to Pantera Press
Renewable - Non Renewable Comparisons
The For and Against of renewable and non renewable energy types
STELR - a curriculum program that aims to address the problem of low participation rates in Australia in
science and mathematics subjects at the upper secondary school level - a program run by ASTE for Yr 10-12.
Solarshop Australia's solar installation at the Adelaide Show Grounds Goyder Pavilion - image used with permission
Moree, Australia's Solar Farm - NSW.
City of Victor Harbor (SA) Solar program - click here to access
Types of Energy
Non Renewable
Pros and Cons for both
Neil deGrasse Tyson schools former GM exec Lutz on climate change
Saving Water at Home - Clean Up Australia factsheet
Rainwater - a South Australian Health Department factsheet
Waterwise gardens - ABC Gardening Australia factsheets
Testing off Fremantle's Western Australia's coast - a program that creates electricity from waves while also distilling sea water for drinking.
Carnegie's CETO website
pdf of how it works courtesy of Carnegie
Starfish Hill Wind Farm - a TARONG pdf brochure used with permission - 728KB
Danish Wind Association's Educational Tour with Miller - English version - access as guest.